Trolling through the Facebook-verse I came upon this situation. Which raised a big question in my mind: Huh, what?
Here's the situation: A dedicated WPS fan plays in the Fantasy League. She is SO dedicated that she read through the terms and conditions. Have any of you honestly done that? I'm a scroll and Accept girl. If Apple wanted to screw me over and steal all my music they probably could just by including it in the legalese I have to scroll and Accept with each iTunes update.
That she read through all of it, not just the important bits, shows how much the WPS means to her. It also speaks to an innate competitive desire to actually win something after putting hours into her Fantasy team. Sadly, because she lives in Maryland, she can't win any of the prizes. Heck, she can't even technically win!
Here's the official blurb (and no I did not find this, the wonderfully dedicated fan did and *brava* to her for posting it where I could easily find it).
To be eligible to win a prize, Contest entrants must be 18 years of age or older as of March 10, 2010 , be a legal resident of the United States, and have access to the Internet. Residents of Montana, Vermont, Louisiana, North Dakota, Minnesota, Arizona, Florida, Maryland, and Colorado may play, but WILL NOT be eligible to win or receive any prizes.
I'm sure there is a legitimate reason why these states are Special. If you know more than I do, please let me know and I'll pass it along. But why can't the league come up with an alternative for these states, a way to reward any dedicated fans unfortunately located in MontanaVermontLouisianaNorthDakotaMinnesotaArizonaFloridaMarylandorColorado.
I mean, being there is unfortunate enough. Does the league really need to grind it in?
Seriously for a moment, I am curious about the whole reality of that situation. If you've got the scoop, I'd love to hear it.
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