Thursday, May 27, 2010

UK and Their Little Game

Currently I have the absolute fortune of being in the UK, York to be specific. The Varisty Pub if you are in a stalker-ishly specific mood. Delightful pub with the delightful addition of FREE WIFI.

Not wee-fee. Why - Figh. Get'erright.

Have had some rather down-to-earth discussions with a English mother about her perspective on Football (round ball, not Stewie-shaped-one). Was immensely interesting, to get a Brits impression of it. Not surprisingly, it was the classic mom impression of professional athletes...

Rubbish role models. Way too self-important. Famous for being famous (OK I gotta disagree on this one, they can kick a ball at least). But it sounded exactly like what I'd expect to hear from a disapproving American mom about Football (Stewie-shaped) players over here.

well, over State-side.

No mention of women's football, not surprisingly, however work brings me to Edinburgh and a under-11 boys football club. I will probe more about women's football there, see what the dealio is like.

Keep you updated.

OH and what is with Britain being absolutely sunny? I'm wearing less layers than I would in NorCal. Loves it.


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