Digressing away from the Lambert issue for a moment (I will get back to it and post about the social media soon, I promise) lets check out the newest "hot topic" in my Twitter-verse. The Washington Freedom unveiled a new advertising campaign this morning called "Freedom Is..." They've posted a Bill of Rights and are placing ads in the Washington Post (circulation of +600,000 daily, +900,000 on Sundays and it's a nationally recognized paper).

Thank you GM Mark Washo (of the WASHO Freedoms...) and the rest of the staff for taking this step and doing, not just talking, about expanding the WPS fanbase outside of the pre-existing soccer community.
This is definitely a bold statement in terms of the act and content (which makes not-so-subtle jabs and zings at other DC based teams...ahemREDSKINSahem...not only for their records, but their treatment of fans and the media), but I have to wonder about the execution. It looks a bit...rushed. Here's the ad.
I wonder this with most WPS marketing products. There are some notable exceptions, the website being a big one and their rarely seen "See Extraordinary" TV spots, and actually go check out their almost unknown "See Extraordinary" website for all of those videos (and more), but across the board it has managed to look rather childish. The new Atlanta franchise crest, for example, harkens back to it's WUSA crest. And by harken back, I mean it's been updated with new colors.
<--- Old WUSA Crest
New WPS Crest --->
Crests don't have to be gorgeous, in fact there is a whole facet to football (soccer) culture that embraces the not so pretty and unpolished (check out the majority of football jerseys). But these crests are the brand of the team, the ONE image that defines who & what they are and also who & what you are by supporting them. I look at this crest and think Youth Team. And that's not good.
Granted, the Freedom ad might (and will probably, hopefully, please) evolve into a more eye-catching and impressive version. Let's watch and see. But for now, what do you think of "Freedom Is..." ?
Until next time...
Are You On the Ball?
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